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$31.90 to Vote

We just spent thirty-one dollars and ninety cents to vote in tomorrow's election. I know, poll taxes are a thing of the past. What I didn't know -- till last week -- is that mail forwarding doesn't work on vote-by-mail ballots. When I realized our ballots were overdue, I called the Board of Elections and sure enough, our ballots had been returned to their office undeliverable. Thankfully, They offered to remail our ballots to our temporary address. Mail being what it is, I shouldn't have been surprised that we still hadn't received them as of this morning. My Dad, being who he is, called the post office first thing and asked if we could come retrieve our mail from the carrier's bucket with hope that the ballots would be there.

They were. So we headed back to my parents' to get our voting guide and fill out our ballots. Then we headed to the nearest FedEx. (This is where the $31.90 comes in.) In order for our votes to count, our ballots have to be received by our county elections office by 7 p.m. Tuesday.

That's a lot of money, but a small price to pay to participate in this important election (and they're all important). Lesson learned: vote-by-mail ballots are not the same as voting absentee!

So here's my plea: if you're registered, go vote tomorrow. I suspect it will be a lot simpler for you than it was for us (at least I hope so!).

It's a great privilege to be a voice for liberty. I won't take it lightly.