Something Only God Could Orchestrate

I know a lot of single women who'd like to be married. I hear from them by email and at Boundless and my heart breaks for them—and if that describes you, for you. I wish it were easier to get married in this culture. But just because it isn't easy, doesn't mean it's impossible. I'm often wowed by the stories of God working in unlikely circumstances to bring redemption. The following is just one example of a marriage long desired and prayed for. I asked the author, Carmen, if I could share it with you. And so, with Carmen's blessing, here's her story. I hope it encourages you as much as it did me.

Hi Candace,

It was about a year and a half ago that I got my hands on your book Get Married. I'd just gotten out of a short-lived relationship and was bemoaning the fact that I was (again) single, asking myself, "Where are all the godly men?"

Your book, though, re-inspired me, teaching me to increase my expectation in God and the desire for a godly marriage that He'd placed on my heart. I began praying in a whole new way, sparking a fervor and love for prayer that I still hold deeply to. It was invigorating for me and I did as your book suggested—getting a group of other godly women together to read your book and pray for one another about getting married. (You had found my blog at one point where I talked about how much I enjoyed Get Married.)

In less than six months of praying this way and seeking God with this kind of anticipation, I met the most godly single man. Up to this point, so many of the Christian men I'd interacted with were hardly spiritual leaders, much less challenging my faith (in a positive, iron-sharpening-iron kind of way). So when I met this man, I was excited—only to find out that he was 5 years younger than me (I was 25, he was 20 and still in college). But having read your article on Boundless that encouraged women to compromise on the superficial and keep high standards when it comes to character/faith, I decided to step out in faith when he (out of the blue) asked me out on a date.

The beautiful thing about this is that this was the first time when I wasn't the one doing "the chasing" or flirting with him. I did my best to guard my heart—even trying to not sit by him when we'd chaperon youth group events because up to then I thought he had absolutely no interest and I didn't want to put my heart through any more "false hopes."

As it turns out, God was totally in control of this situation (surprise, surprise), and put it on his heart to ask me out. Nine months later, he proposed, and a week ago we got married. He is the most godly man I've ever met, and he is now my best friend and my husband. It's something that only God could orchestrate and I'm blown away even now as I remember how incredible of a journey it has been. Yes, we have our moments and marriage (even at this point) has been a very humbling experience—but that's been one of the great parts about it, that it's grown me so much and I know it will continue to. As much as I did want to get married, I knew it was more about who I married rather than just that I got married. And that's the part that I love the most—God brought that man (and so much more) to me!

I wanted to share this testimony to you as a way to say "thank you" for the message you've shared with my generation and also just as a way of praising God for the beautiful things He does each and every day, with this being among them. Thanks so much for stepping out in faith with this book; it really has challenged my faith and grown me for the better.

Best, Carmen

If you have a similar story of answered prayer, won't you share it? Please leave a comment or drop me an email.